Wednesday, October 2, 2024

NYYC cruise

We did this cruise on our friends boat-in August.  A week long cruise to different ports around Long Island.  There was a race to each port every day- which made it fun!
Cocktail party in Stonington to start the cruise.

A walk around town that night.
We didn’t have the right race flag with us, so we improvised 

The next morning-a walk around Mystic

Then we were off to the race start

The NYYC race committee’s boat-Very Nice!!
Around 100 boats did the cruise with about 40 taking part in the racing aspect of it.
Foggy— a very cool sailboat 

We had light wind (expected all week), which this boat at 30,000 pounds does Not like.  But we had a fun sail anyway
Our new port-New London

We were supposed to attend another cocktail party but the weather was not looking good, so we did an early dinner instead.
Good thing because it poured!!
Our view from the restaurant-a swan and her babies enjoying the storm
We got a ride back to our marina in a golf cart.
And then the rainbow & sun came out 

Beautiful sunset!


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