Tuesday, December 15, 2009

First Snow - 12/6/09!

We received our first dusting of snow overnight, and woke up to the white stuff on December 6th. Surprisingly, the snow didn't melt for a couple days - even though we only had a couple inches.

It was the perfect weekend for ugly weather, as it was our first week of training under our new program - QT2 Systems! We spent 4 hours at the gym on Saturday & Sunday - swimming, biking, and running. And then we spent a couple hours each day eating :)

Toules wishing we were running in the forest. That's not going to be happening for a while - maybe a nice walk...

Our new program really f0cuses on heart rate training. In the past, we have used 'perceived exertion' as our monitor. Now we really have to use the heart rate moniters, and record our heart rates. We met up with our Coach, and did a threshold test. We put our bikes on trainers, and then rode our hearts out! Our coach recorded our maximum heart rate and then gave us zones that we have to stay within during our workouts. Our new training program should really help us do the best that we can for our abilities. The only bummer part is that we won't be able to really train together - on any outside workouts. Chris will be running and cycling much faster than I will be. So it looks like we'll be doing a lot of biking & running inside this winter. We'll be riding our bike trainers, and running on the treadmills at the gym. That way, we can get our workouts done at the same time, and finish together. We might change our whole triathlon schedule, and plan on early season races, since we'll be working out inside. Then spend the later part of summer sailing!

Another fun note this week - Chris celebrated his 20th anniversary at SIE Computing Solutions (formerly: Carlo Gavazzi Computing Solutions and before that: Mupac)

Chris' favorite place to be!

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