Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving weekend

We spent Thanksgiving with some great friends in Connecticut. We usually spend Thanksgiving in Florida with Chris' Mom & her husband Tony (and their wild & crazy friends), but the timing didn't work out this year. So, we loaded up the truck and headed to Connecticut.

Relaxing before dinner

Melissa treated us to some piano playing! Toules definitely enjoyed it.

After a yummy turkey dinner with all the trimmings, we headed back to our favorite winter destination - New Hampshire!! See last post, and repeat (with more rain & wind though).

Friday we hiked Mt Tecumseh in the pouring rain. It was enjoyable going up - but very slick coming down. Fortunately, the hike is on the same mountain as the ski resort, so on the way down, we took a detour and came down the ski slope! It was still crazy steep, but not as many rocks! Wonder dog still had fun - running all over the place. I need some of his energy!

Lots of rocks on this hike, and snow at the top! 1st snow of the season!!

Saturday was a little more relaxed - Waterville Valley Athletic Club for some swimming and stationary bike riding. We did go on a short hike in the afternoon. The wind was howling all day long - up to 50 mph! I also had work to do - so hanging in the condo, listening to the wind howl worked out well. We did take a nice drive in the afternoon, and came upon this covered bridge!

Driving across the bridge - cool!

For dinner, we met up with some friends who bought a beautiful townhouse on the Pemigewesset river - a few miles from Waterville. What a view they have - the river and mountains - right outside thier back door! I didn't have my camera, so no photo - you'll just have to imagine...

Sunday was even more relaxed - a couple short hikes, and a big breakfast at our favorite spot! We were so tired from dealing with the crazy weather on Friday & Saturday, we just chilled the rest of the day. We headed home early, so we had plenty of time to do laundry (and so Steph could work some more - oh joy!)

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