Monday, November 23, 2009

Earning some couch time

Chris, Toules, and I earned some well deserved couch time the weekend before Thanksgiving. We went to New Hampshire again, and took on some serious hiking and mountain biking. We had a couple friends racing Ironman Arizona, so we decided to tackle some big workouts ourselves - can't let them show us up!

Toules was out of control - loving every minute of the hike.

Saturday's hike was to Sandwich Mountain & Jennings Peak. It was a 10 mile hike, and took 5 1/2 hours. Numerous stream crossings, and steep grades slowed our progress. Temperatures were perfect for hiking though - around 50 and sunny. Toules had the best day of his life - racing up and down the trail. I couldn't believe we didn't have to carry him home.

Toules is way at the top - always waiting for us. Four wheel drive can really help you up the mountain!!
We did have to carry Toules over this stream though. Chris had to help me too :)
At the top of Jennings Peak!
Waterville Valley ski slopes - way off in the distance.
The town of Waterville:
White Mountains of New Hampshire

Ahh, relaxation - love it!!

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