Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fall weekend at home

Halloween weekend, and the weather report looked good: Saturday cloudy, but warm (it got up to 70!), and Sunday showers in the am, but sun in the afternoon. A great fall weekend.

Friday night, we had dinner plans with our friends Linda & Joe from Bristol, RI. We met at Persimmons restaurant in Bristol, RI. Good food, and fun conversation started our weekend off perfectly!

Ahh, it felt good to sleep in on Saturday - until 8:00 - that's late for us. A Starbucks coffee, and a walk in our local forest with Toules was the perfect start.

Saturday afternoon, I decided to mow our lawn, mainly to suck up all the leaves. Chris & I took turns, since we had so many leaves, and had to dump our lawnmower bag so much. A couple hours later, and the yard looked green again. A couple hours after that, and the yard looked like this:

Not sure why we bothered... I also swept the porches, and deck with the same result.

We hadn't been on our bicycles in a couple months since we had been concentrating on running - training for the marathon. So since it was warm, we decided we would go out for a couple hours. We only made it 20 minutes, before Chris got a flat from glass on the road. No problem, except we had cleaned our bikes up, and didn't have a CO2 cartridge (it pumps compressed air into a tire, so you don't have to carry a tire pump) I had to ride home, get one of our trucks, and go back to get Chris. Not a very long bike ride, but I guess it was better than nothing.

Still smiling...

Saturday night, we treated ourselves with dinner to one of our favorite restaurants, Nephews. Beer, salad, and pizza, yum!

Then home early to watch the movie 'Twilight' (ok, nothing special), and the World Series.

Sunday brought us to our long run day. We usually run at least 10 miles every weekend, but this Sunday, we decided we would turn around when we got tired. We ended up running 8 miles - not bad - considering we ran 26.2 miles only a week ago, and we're still in recovery mode. Nice fall foliage, but I didn't bring my camera along. We did a nice foliage drive in another one of Chris' hot rods after breakfast though.

Chris needed to do a project when we got home, so he decided to cut down a dead tree on the side of our yard. It had been dead for a couple years, and was looking like it would fall down in any kind of breeze.

Sunday afternoon, and ready for another hike. We don't go to the forests much during the summer because of all the bugs and mosquitos. We hit them pretty hard during the fall, winter, and spring. Toules loves it!

Hey, wait up!

Pretty... steep!

River otter!

Weekend's almost over. Clocks have been changed back one hour (it's so dark now!), and I'm ready to chill out with a good book!

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