Friday, October 30, 2009

Erin's new baby boy - Jackson James!

Erin's last day at work - Friday, October 16th. She looks pretty happy to be leaving...

I don't know why she would be - look at this screen - absolutely fascinating!!!

Erin & her husband Matt welcomed their little one the following Thursday, so she didn't have to wait very long.

Jackson James Ponte
6 lbs. 12 ozs. – 20 ½ “ long
At 12:07pm

Isn't he the cutest thing? All boy, with very long fingers. He's going to be a great Red Sox pitcher someday (or Cubs...)

He's already been to a Halloween party and out to lunch with the girls. What could be better?!?

Pa Raffa's with Erin, Nancy, Ana, Rochelle, Marina, Leslie, Pauline, Steph, and Jackson!

Pumpkin Hat :)

Off he goes onto another adventure in his handy dandy Bob stroller!

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