Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Good intentions

Frozen waterfall
Triathlon training season is in full bloom, and we now have semi-big workouts on the weekends. So, we had good intentions of getting some good workouts in this past weekend, but...

Chris' boss was in town for the weekend, so we took him skiing. He's from Austria, and skis regularly in the Alps, so we knew he could handle the small mountain resorts in New Hampshire.

We knew that we would have a hard time fitting our workouts in.... On the schedule: 3:13 bike ride on Saturday; 1:30 bike ride on Sunday; 1:20 run on Sunday.

Weather prediction - cold, very very cold - a high of 5. Brrr! Fortunately, it was sunny, and not windy. A couple people from Chris' management team also came up, so a nice group went skiing. I stayed inside & did a 3 hour bike ride on the trainer. Chris came home a little early, and managed to get 1 1/2 hours in. Pretty good, since he skied all morning!

Frozen lake
Town Square getting ready for a cross country ski exhibition. Too bad there wasn't much snow.

On Sunday, we met up with the management team early - for coffee and pastries. Then Chris & I headed back to our apartment for our 1:30 bike ride. No time to fit the run in though....

After the bike ride - back with the boss & the management team: The skiers were still cold on Sunday, so no one wanted to hit the slopes. (besides, there hadn't been any new snow, and the slopes were very icy). Instead, we took a nice walk, and then headed out for a yummy breakfast! (no exercise & lots of food...hmmm, something seems wrong with this picture)

Management team on the walk

Stream with frozen water beneath the rushing water.

Stopped in the hockey rink to watch some kids...

After our late breakfast, we spent some nice relaxing time at one of the management team's apartment - they have a beautiful view of a river and the mountains. Then we headed back to MA. The weekend went by very quickly. We got some of our workouts in, but not all. Monday morning - back to the gym to get the run in that we missed!
View from our friends' condo - nice!!

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