Friday, February 19, 2010

Starting to feel like spring, so let's do a snowshoe race!

It was in the 40's this past weekend - and sunny! Really enjoyable, and you know that spring is coming! 3 weeks until daylight savings - yippee!!

We headed to the yacht club on Friday night for TGIF! OUr past commodore, Peter, got our attention soon after we got our first beer. 'I'm running a snowshoe race on Sunday, and I already have Ray & Peter M to commit. Do you want to join us? It's going to be a beautiful day, sunshine, a nice rolling hill course in western Mass...' Chris & I already had plans to run a 10k (per our schedule), and we weren't signed up for a race (we were planning on running the same course that we did in January). So, silly me, say's 'Sure, we'll join you, why not!' Of course, we were attending a benefit for Haiti on Saturday night, and we had a triathlon club meeting on Sunday night. No problem driving 3 hours to Dubuque State park on Sunday morning, running a 4 mile snowshoe course, and then driving 3 hours back. I clearly wasn't thinking clearly (and this was after only 1 beer!!) Fortunately our friends Linda & Joe called us to invite us to dinner - before I could sign me & Chris up for something else!

We drove over to a local pub & had many laughs with our friends. So all in all, our Friday night was a success!

We were up early on Saturday because we had to get in the pool. The gym opens at 7 am, and swim lessons start at 8 am. So we have to be at the gym at 7. Lucky us! Our Saturday workouts were pretty easy, since we were racing on Sunday: 1 mile swim; 35 min easy bike; 15 min easy run.

Then off to breakfast!! One of my favorite weekend activities. We were then planning on attending the New England Boat Show. It's so much fun checking out all the new gear; and climbing all over the new sail boats. But we decided to stay home for once. I really needed to clean - and I did! Nothing feels better than a clean house. Chris worked in the garage - getting ready for our new hot rod: 1934 Ford Roadster.

7:00 - Haiti benefit. I work with a girl who's great aunt is a missionary to Haiti (and has been for 40 years - wow!) Sister Ailene is a principal at a school on the outskirts of Port au Prince. Her school was severely damaged in the earthquake, so her family organized a benefit to raise $$ for her school. All the money raised on Saturday night was going directly to Sister Ailene. Chris & I were excited to attend this benefit. I mean, how often do you actually see where your charitable contributions are going? (especially when they are going out of the country?!?) There was great food, dancing, and many many raffles. Chris & I didn't get too crazy though, since we had to be up at 5:30; drive to western Mass, and run 4 miles in snowshoes (sigh).

Over 300 tickets sold!
Me & Chris

The bar (which we only frequented once)

Erin! Her great aunt is the missionary to Haiti and she is the hostest with the mostest!
Some of the items up for auction... There were a lot more tables and so many items! Restaurant gift certificates; salon packages; liquor packages; sports packages; baby packages - you name it, they had it.
Food table - good stuff: meatballs; scallops; shrimp; cheese; sandwiches...

Sunday started early - too early. We were on the road at 6 am. The snowshoe race started at 10 am, so we had plenty of time.
Our friends were all coming from Rhode Island, so we told them we would just meet them at the race.

Getting ready

Chris off for a warm up run (I went too, but it sure didn't help...)
Getting ready to start - about 50 participants. I was surprised. We were quite a bit off the beaten path - the northwest corner of Massachusetts.
Our friend Peter finishing
Chris had a super race - he took off & didn't look back! He finished in 33 minutes. He said he pushed himself; started hyperventilating; but then settled in :) The course was definitely rolling hills - you were either going up or down. My race didn't go as smoothly, but I was glad I raced. I finished in 39 minutes, which is ok, but I wish I had been at least a couple minutes faster... And even though it was only 4 miles, it felt much longer than a 10k (6.2 miles). Why? Because, you had to wear snowshoes, and it was like running in sand. Ouch. I was huffing and puffing the entire race - even had to walk about 5 minutes in the middle; through the orchard where the course wasn't packed down. Good grief, it's only 4 miles, but it felt like 26! During the race, I sure didn't feel like I've been working out all winter. I felt more like I had been sitting on the couch all winter. Guess I'm going to have to really focus on those upcoming workouts. Because there is no worse feeling - than feeling like crap during a race. And we have a really big race coming up in 5 months!
Race over - time to chill!
After the race they had chili & hot chocolate. Much needed!! (see the frog hanging from the ceiling? He's upside down - not quite sure what he's doing there...)
Then we had our own tailgate party. Had to hang the yacht club banner! (Ray is getting oysters ready...) I'm not a shellfish person, so I didn't partake, but everyone else did.
Fortunately, we also had sandwiches; chips; beer; wine & cheese. Can't remember the last time I ate this good so soon after a race!

We were late leaving, since we had so much fun tailgating. By the time we got home, it was too late to make it to our triathlon club meeting (the board meeting started at 4:15) See, my making too many plans doesn't always work - we can't fit everything in. Sorry Andy - we feel really bad about missing the meeting.
We got home at 5:30 (still light outside - yippee!!); and watched the remaining Nascar race.
Ahh, it was a very satisfying weekend!

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