Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Our sailboat is launched!!

Our sailboat was launched the last week of April! Woohoo!! And we had a beautiful sunny & warm 1st weekend!

Taking the launch out to our sailboat

There she blows!
It's so nice to see water outside the port holes, instead of land or shrink wrap!

We didn't have a lot of time to spend on the boat unfortunately. A 5 hour bike ride and opening day of the yacht club cut into our sailing time. So we motored over to the docks and did a little cleaning. (or rather Chris cleaned...)

Opening day at the yacht club was fun! It was nice to catch up with friends we haven't seen since last summer. And it was Derby day! So, we hung out at the bar and watched the race. We always say we're going to go to the Kentucky Derby - maybe next year...

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