Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oooh la la

This is where we spent our Memorial Day weekend...
We were very excited to have the opportunity to see this club - very very exclusive! One of our members is also a member of the NYYC, and invited our Memorial Day sailing cruisers down! What a destination - couldn't have asked for a better one!!

After a lengthy morning workout, we sailed to Newport on Saturday afternoon.
This is their 'summer home'. I guess their pad in Manhattan is even more amazing!

Cocktail hour...

Chris & past Commodore Peter chatting about the winter snow shoe race... Guess we'll be doing round 2 of that adventure next winter!
Our sponsor, Jim, is in the picture - just over Peter's right shoulder.

Our friends, Steve & Beverly

Views from the 'summer home'


A little fancier than dinners at our club...
Joe - our sailing cruise director!

All lit up - what a sight!
The next morning - our friends: Jim & Kathy on their sailboat. The water was like glass in the harbor.

Of course, we had a morning workout - a long run. It didn't feel like a long run though, since the views were spectacular!

We even had time to stop by our old sailing school: Sail Newport. We love them!!
The J 22's! - What a blast to sail!

Busy Newport

Back to the summer home to get cleaned up
Have to get back home - good bye NYYC!
Sailing home - what a beautiful day!
Sailing under the Newport Bridge

Back in our harbor, our friends getting their sailboat ready for the Newport to Bermuda race!!!

A wonderful weekend - hated for this one to end!

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