Friday, August 6, 2010

Official pictures from Ironman Lake Placid

The masses hanging out before the swim start (approx 3,000 athletees)

all photos courtesy of ASI

Starting time is getting close -the pros have already gone off...
And we're off - for an hour of hand to hand combat...

The swim start from a distance - pretty cool!

Now, we're out of the water - yippee!!

Thank goodness for those wetsuit strippers!
And then on to the bike - sheesh, it looks like that guy could be drafting Chris..

Up one of the many many many hills

Hi there!

Chris on the run - no pictures of me - I must have been going too fast! (ha ha)

And the finish line - woop woop! Too bad that big guy had to finish right in front of me. I had thought about sprinting around him at the end, but just didn't have the gumption. Besides, I didn't want to be an a **hole there are too many of them out there as it is!

Mike Reilly - telling everyone: 'You are an Ironman'
Chris at the finish line!

And our finisher pictures - just looking our best - ha!

Next one - Coeur d'Alene, Idaho!

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