Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Weekend off!

The weekend after the Ironman, we didn't do much. We actually did get a couple bike rides in... only because we were heading out of town & would be missing many bike rides.

Chris got a lot of shop time, which he was super happy about.

The pets found a little snake to amuse them for a while. The cat, Twix, was a little wary at first, jumping at sticks & patting the ground about 2 feet away from the snake. Once Toules saw it though, and stuck his nose at it, Twix came around. As you can see from this photo, she is really enjoying patting it to death. The snake tried pretty hard to hide, so it's hard to see in the photos.

Toules lost interest pretty quickly...

We headed to Plymouth on Saturday night for a nice Mexican dinner & to enjoy the waterfront

Touristy town, but still a fun place to hang out.

And lots of history: Mayflower replica

Plymouth rock! (also known fondly as the Plymouth Pebble...)

Our Ironman medals went with us...

On Sunday, we headed to our favorite town, Bristol. IM medal came along as well..

And the IM medal came to work with me as well :)

Hey, we worked hard for this, so it's coming along for many of our adventures this year!

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