Tuesday, February 8, 2011

50 years - WOW

Chris & I did get out of town one weekend in January.
to celebrate my parents 50th wedding anniversary!!! Wow!
My parents usually go out to dinner with some friends on Friday evenings to a local pub/restaurant, and their 50th anniversary happened to be on a Friday. So my brother, sister, and I decided to join them for dinner - but keep it a surprise. We wanted to do something for their anniversary, but knew that they would want it to be simple. So us surprising them at dinner would be perfect!
Here we are hanging out before they arrived: my brother in law & my brother's 2 kids
and everyone else
Here they come! Mom just looked perplexed at first :)
They were very surprised & very happy to see all of us!
Here they are - exactly 50 years of wedded bliss
It was nice relaxing & fun evening with friends & family
Dad - getting a little tired of the photo shoot :)

Me & Chris

Of course, we had to have cake! It was delicious!

As you can tell - it went over Very well...

And since we were actually home a non holiday weekend - Chris & I were able to see some of my nieces & nephews in action
My niece playing volleyball - funky socks they now wear...

and my nephew playing basketball

They crushed their opponents - 60 to 30
And, we were able to have dinner with my brother & his family. Deep dish pizza of course!
Me & my niece Claire

We flew home on Sunday morning. But not too early - we were able to have breakfast with my good friend Amy & her daughter!
We packed a lot into the weekend - it was perfect!!

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