Sunday, July 10, 2011

IM Coeur D'Alene official photos!

Here we all are - lined up at the start of the swim! Green caps = men; pink = women. Only 27% are women. Approx 2500 raced!

Photos courtesy of ASI Photography:

And we are off! (I stayed towards the back - didn't feel like getting punched that day)

Typical punch fest! There was a little more room than at Lake Placid. Definitely tight around the turn around buoys though!

Coming out of the water - on the right - I was very disoriented & very cold. I couldn't get my goggles off or unzip my wetsuit!
Coat & arm warmers (and leg compressors too) Took a while to warm up. But the sun was very warm (even though the air temp was in the 60's)

Lap 1, I gave my coat to Chris. Kept the arm warmers for a while though.

There weren't too many spectators on the bike course, once you left downtown. But, the ones who were out on the course were great! Good music & loud cheering - which really kept you going. Lots of loud 80's music - great!

Onto the run. I don't look like I am having fun - but I was. I knew I was going to finish & that is a super feeling! Plus the aid stations were amazing! One had a Wizard of Oz theme - complete with the witch's feet sticking out from under a house; tin man; and scarecrow! And another had a pirate theme. The costumes were amazing & you could hear their music & cheering from 1/2 mile away! They really do take care of you out there - it's amazing!

Ahh, the finish line! Yippee!!

Ok, when is the next one?!!?!? :)

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