Thursday, July 14, 2011

Providence 70.3

Chris was ready to race, since he bypassed Coeur d'Alene. Fortunately, there was a half ironman in Providence (1.2 mile swim; 56 mile bike; 13.1 mile run)

It was a 2 transition race, so we had a lot of running around to do on Saturday, the day before the race. Here is Chris waiting for his race packet at the RI convention center in downtown Providence.

Then on the road to Lincoln Woods Park, so he could drop off his bicycle & 'Bike gear bag'.

Here he is finding out that the water is too warm (nice), so wetsuits won't be allowed. Much better than the freezing water in Idaho! He was very happy!

Testing the water to see if it was actually as warm as they said.... it was!

Back to Providence - to the run transition, so he could drop off his Run Gear bag.

Then it was back home because my college roommate was visiting! She was in town to drop her daughter off at camp on Cape Cod (lucky girl). We went out for a yummy dinner in Bristol.

Next morning came early - 3:30. Chris was up & heading out the door for his race. Kelly, Alex, and I were going to meet him later. He had to catch a bus in Providence that would take him to the swim start. He was going to swim at Lincoln Woods Park, then bike 56 miles around the area & into Providence. Then he was going to run around Providence. We were going to drive to Providence & wait for him there.

Here is Alex cheering on the cyclists!

And Kelly cheering with a cow bell they were handing out. She got a lot of smiles & thumbs up!

The cyclists flew by us! They were ready to get off their bikes & start running.

The bike transition after most of the cyclists had arrived! Lots of bikes!

Here's Chris running up the Capitol hill! He had a decent swim (he was warm, so that was good!); a strong bike ride (he said it was endless hills); and was looking really good on the run!

Up the hill towards the Capitol, then they had to turn around & do another loop.

Back on the second loop!

Waiting at the finish line - hot sunny day

Finisher!! Great Race! (Chris said it was also super hilly on the run - no relief)

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