Monday, November 26, 2012

Monson half marathon!

We decided to squeeze in another half marathon before the year was out.  It was a little last minute, but there were a few options.  Unfortunately most were sold out.  All but one - the Monson half marathon.  It was near Springfield, MA - so a little bit of a drive, but we decided to sign up anyway.  
Beautiful Sunday with some wind.  Lots of runners, so we were happy about that.  The race started at 12:00.

 It was a hilly hard run.  Wowzer!  Brutal!  But we did it.  We ended up staying together for the whole run.  Good thing, since I needed all the support I could get.  I didn't think the hills would ever stop. (they did at mile 10  - finally!)
 Picture of the finish line.  We were so ready to see this!
 Nice swag!  Bottle, medal, and pint glass!
It's definitely a race that will keep you honest in your training!

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