Sunday, December 2, 2012

More Rome pictures!

The big white building in the center of Rome.  This houses the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as well as a museum.  This building was also our landmark and helped us navigate Rome.  

Castel Saint Angelo
 'cute' side street
 normal street in central Rome.  Yes, cars would also come down these, so you had to always be on guard.  The Vespas were the worst though - speeding up & down the streets like bugs!
 The Pantheon - AD 126.  Michelangelo & others studied this building.  The Vatican museums used this design over & over again (see next picture)

 The Pantheon Dome.  It is open at the top, so when it rains, it rains inside :) (Picture further down is the Capitoline Museums)

Day trip to Ostia Antica
 Ancient Ruins - another archaeological dig, but this one has been left alone for a while.  Too much to do in Rome, I guess.  These ruins are from the 1st - 4th Century AD
 The floors of the bath houses - these mosaics are still in good condition.
 A theater amongst the ruins.  Mom & Chris are sitting way down there...
 The grinders/millers that they used to make the bread are still in good condition.
 We went a little further on the Metro that day & hit the beach!  It was a beautiful day.

On Thanksgiving, we took it easy & relaxed at one of the parks.  Villa Borghese
 One section overlooked Rome

One of my favorite churches:  Santa Maria Maggiore

San Giovanni in Laterno

So much to see & do.  Around every corner - it was an amazing trip!

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