Friday, May 31, 2013

Ironman Texas!!

I've been trying to update my blog for a couple weeks, but having picture issues.  Finally, found a work around.   
We headed to Texas for Ironman #5!  The Woodlands - about 30 miles north of Houston.  We knew there was a possibility that it could be hot.  Well, it didn't disappoint!  104 heat index on the bike & mid 90's air temperature.  Wowzer!  Just the week before, it was low 80's. 
Racking the bikes on Friday - Race was Saturday!  This time, our race numbers were close, so our bikes were racked right next to each other.  Usually our race numbers correspond with our age groups, but I guess they do it differently in Texas :)
Our gear bags.  They have a nice hanging systemin Lake Placid, but here, you just put them on the ground in number order.  Most triathlons allow you to set up your transition next to your bike (it's where you would keep your bike shoes, helmet, running shoes, race belt...)  But Ironman has clean transition area, so you keep your gear in bags.  A Bike bag which would hold your shoes, helmet, sunglasses.  And a Run bag which would hold your running shoes, visor, race belt, food)
The Ironman Texas course was great!  It was a one loop swim - with a 1,000 yard swim down a canal.  Sounds strange, and it did get crowded, but it was pretty cool to swim down a canal with spectators just a few feet away.  The water was 77 degrees, so no wet suits.  So, our swim was longer.  Right around 1:20.   On to the bike - sun was out & it was already warm.  Got loaded up with sunscreen & headed out.  I wasn't particularly excited about riding 112 miles, but it had to get done.  At mile 20, I hit a big bump, and lost one of my bottles.  Unfortunately, it hit my computer, so my speed & cadence stopped working.  Kind of a pain.  A few minutes later, Chris passed me on the bike (I was out of the water just a couple minutes earlier than him).  He looked great!  I told him my computer wasn't working, but I didn't want to stop & try to fix it.  I didn't know how long it would take, and I'm not that tied to it.  The bike course was only one loop.  It had a lot of rolling hills.  More than I expected.  Nothing big, but a lot of a little.  I wasn't as prepared, since we rode our trainers for almost all of our rides.  I was hoping for a faster bike time, but I stopped at a few aid stations to get sunscreen & exrtra drink.  I don't usually stop - just ride through & grab my drinks. Chris had a great bike ride. He doesn't sweat too much, so he doesn't have to take in as many fluids.  His split was over 30 minutes faster than his previous best time!  And he had a good run too!  The course was 3 loops - almost 9 miles per loop.  It ran around the lake that we swam earlier in the day, and along the canal.  Lots of crowd support!   Some really funny groups.  And of course, the much needed aid stations every mile.   The heat was still working in Chris's favor, so he buzzed right through the marathon.  He said he slowed down on the last lap. But he had no stomach issues or any other weird ailments (that always seem to strike on race day)  Yeah, so happy that he had a good race!  He's been working hard to get there!  Due to the heat, I had cramping in my calves. So rather than run, I tripped my way through the marathon.  It wasn't easy - my calves cramping & causing me to trip.  I got 4 really serious charlie horses during the run too. The kind that stop you in your tracks b/c it hurts so bad, you can't move.  Fortunately 3 out of the 4 times, a volunteer, or another racer would rub it out for me.  Whew, that was a long run.  I kept fighting though.  I didn't want to walk the whole race, so I kept at it, even though the calves were not cooperating.  And I finished too!  Yay!!  Chris was checking the web site for my progress, so he met me at the finish line.  We changed, ate a little, and went back to watch the final finishers.
Can't believe there is so much trash on the ground - final finish line shute!
Me & Chris at the finish line.  Nice & cool, once the sun went down :)
Our hotel was a couple miles away, so we didn't go back, shower, change, like we usually do.  But once I change, I usually feel much better.
Still smiling here - until we realized we had to go pick up our bikes & lug them back to the hotel.  Bummer!
The next day, we went back to the canal.  Tons of restaurants, condos, shopping...  A really great area.  Couldn't believe we ran it the day before.  The area seemed so much wider & bigger when we were running.
We did a lot of walking to loosen up the legs, and also found some time to chill

And we watched a little of the awards ceremony.  They had the AC on way too high, so we didn't stay too long.  I think it felt so cold, since it was so warm outside, but it was still uncomfortable.
Yay, we did it!!
Love this sign.  It was in a women's clothing store.

I would definitely go back to the Texas Ironman.  Great course & great volunteers (the best so far)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Doggie Day Care!

We take Bolts to Doggie Daycare every Wednesday, so he can run around & play with some friends.  He absolutely loves it!

Here's a picture taken by Powderly Meadows
 When he gets home, he can barely pick his head up.  So tiiiiiirrrrreeeeed.  He's usually pretty tired on Thursdays too.  The people at Powderly Meadows say he doesn't stop playing - just plays and plays and plays.
 Bean loves Wednesdays b/c he doesn't have any energy left to harass her.  Even Twix will make an appearance.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Bolts 1st Cruise Night!

Plumb Corner on Monday Nights!!

 Another beautiful evening for a cruise :)  We drove Woodrow again.
 Bolts did very well, and everyone who met him loved him. :)
 He can sit so nice!
 Has to be the driver!

Bolts loves to go for rides in cars.  If you open the house door, he will run right to one of the cars, hoping he will be taken.  But unfortunately, he is a Maniac in the car.  He runs from side to side, back to front, trying to eat anything & everything.  He is having a ball, we are not!  So, we don't take him as much as we would like (and I"m talking about our daily driver vehicles).  So, we are being really daring when we let him ride in one of the hot rods.  Hoping he will get better as he gets older, because we really want him to come with us as often as possible.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Weekend in Bristol

Opening day at the Bristol Yacht Club, aka Commissioning!

 Was a beautiful day, although the wind was quite chilly.
 We drove Woodrow (he's getting a lot of use this spring!).  Our friends Peter & Mary wanted a picture by The Woodie.
 And we had them take our picture too!  (look how much shorter we are, than Peter & Mary - funny!)
 We spent some time cleaning up the yard at our 3 family.  Luckily, one of our tenants mows the yard, so we don't have to bother)
 Bolts chilled in the backyard.  He was enjoying himself (once the big dog next door stopped barking at him :))  Our yard looks small in this picture, but it's actually quite large - very long).  Would love to put a garage back here, but we don't have a drive way.  We would have to get an easement from the neighbor, and I'm not sure he would be keen on that.
 We took Bolts for a nice long walk around Bristol after yard clean up.  So many bushes & trees in bloom!
 Bolts checking out the water - he wasn't too sure about it.  It definitely tasted funny :)
 Nice & cool on his paws though.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

1st cruise night of 2013!

Yeah, it's time again for Cruise Nights!
We headed to Halifax, MA a couple Friday's ago.  Warm weather - finally!

 We drove Woodrow!  Still nice to drive a car with a heater.  The nights are still chilly :)

 I didn't think the car season would ever get here!!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Bolts doing his Zoomies!  He puts his Tail down & runs as fast as he can.  Sometimes he does them in a big area, sometimes in tight circles; sometimes loops through the dining room table legs.  No one is safe when he is zooming though.  He'll go right over you!!

 Tug of war time!
 Such a cute face.
 And he can sit nice for the camera too.  But potty training - no thanks.  He'll be perfect & go in & out the doggie door for days with no accidents.  The next thing you know he is chilling by you in the kitchen & just pees.  Really?  What is up with that?  Frustrating, that's what it is....  So sometimes his cute face isn't too cute to us :)
 Enjoys his walks.  So happy that spring is here!!