Friday, May 10, 2013


Bolts doing his Zoomies!  He puts his Tail down & runs as fast as he can.  Sometimes he does them in a big area, sometimes in tight circles; sometimes loops through the dining room table legs.  No one is safe when he is zooming though.  He'll go right over you!!

 Tug of war time!
 Such a cute face.
 And he can sit nice for the camera too.  But potty training - no thanks.  He'll be perfect & go in & out the doggie door for days with no accidents.  The next thing you know he is chilling by you in the kitchen & just pees.  Really?  What is up with that?  Frustrating, that's what it is....  So sometimes his cute face isn't too cute to us :)
 Enjoys his walks.  So happy that spring is here!!

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