Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Weekend in Bristol

Opening day at the Bristol Yacht Club, aka Commissioning!

 Was a beautiful day, although the wind was quite chilly.
 We drove Woodrow (he's getting a lot of use this spring!).  Our friends Peter & Mary wanted a picture by The Woodie.
 And we had them take our picture too!  (look how much shorter we are, than Peter & Mary - funny!)
 We spent some time cleaning up the yard at our 3 family.  Luckily, one of our tenants mows the yard, so we don't have to bother)
 Bolts chilled in the backyard.  He was enjoying himself (once the big dog next door stopped barking at him :))  Our yard looks small in this picture, but it's actually quite large - very long).  Would love to put a garage back here, but we don't have a drive way.  We would have to get an easement from the neighbor, and I'm not sure he would be keen on that.
 We took Bolts for a nice long walk around Bristol after yard clean up.  So many bushes & trees in bloom!
 Bolts checking out the water - he wasn't too sure about it.  It definitely tasted funny :)
 Nice & cool on his paws though.

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