Monday, July 1, 2013

Wedding in Reno - Rory & Laura

We were so lucky to be invited to this beautiful event!  The reason, we finally made it out to Reno for a visit, and I am so thankful for it.  So happy to reconnect with good friends!

The Setting

 Damonte Ranch
 How we got there!  Thanks Ray!!

 Ray, Rory (Groom), Julie
 Gabe & Rachel
 Laura (Bride) and her father
 The ceremony
 Friends!  Jim & Sharon
 Gypsy & Steve

 Ciarra, Cindy, & Tom
 Peckerhead Wives!  (Julie, Cindy, Me, Gypsy, Sharon)
 and the guys (Ray is missing though)  Tom, Steve, Jim, Troy, Chris, Mike
 Good times!

 Gabe & Ciarra
 Mike & Cathy
 Me & Chris :)
 Julie & Rory dancing
 More dancing
 Ray, being Ray :)  My cheeks hurt from laughing so much (haven't laughed this much since the Portuguese fireman show!)
 Rachel & Gloria
 The bride & groom.  What a beautiful couple!
 The fun continued well into the evening :)  Ray & Julie
 And the young couple heading off into the night!!  Thanks for the invite to the beautiful wedding!

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