Sunday, July 20, 2014


Summer has been going fast!  Of course, that's normal :)  Our flowers bloomed this year!  These orange ones get eaten by deer (while they are still bulbs) almost every year, so I was so happy to see them actually bloom this year!

 Chris has been in crazy negotiations the last couple of months -with his business.  So our weekends are hit & miss - we have had to cancel a lot of plans, and then just make do with quick dinners out, or short sailing trips.  Which has been ok too, of course.  We are still enjoying ourselves - once Chris is off the phone, hahaha.
 Flowers from our other pots :)  And on July 3rd, my phone drowned, so I lost a lot of my summer pictures.  Bummer!
 But Chris' business deal has closed, and my phone has been replaced.  It's all Good!
 Cute Mr Bolts!  Happy Summer!!!

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