Monday, December 28, 2015

Merry Christmas!

It was a warmer than usual Christmas this year - for the eastern part of the country.
We headed to our regular haunt  - Illinois!  Some great pics of Chicago as we were flying in for the landing!

 And a beautiful sunset as we drove to Central IL
 We did some shopping while we were there - the most interesting thing we saw - was this pickup truck.  It's actually an ice chest!
 Sarah did a lot of baking with Uncle Chris' help

 Chris did some of his own baking for his $2 gift....

 peppermint candy dishes!

 It was nice & warm on Christmas morning - we go to my sisters for breakfast; coffee; and gifts

 Then we head back to my Mom's for appetizers; lunch; dessert and more gifts!!

 Picture time!
 Then Chris helped Sarah for more Christmas fun!  A gingerbread tree!
Happy Holidays!!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Turkey Run car show!

We headed east to Daytona after Thanksgiving - to the Turkey Run car show
They have a huge swap meet!
 and a lot of cars!

 Bolts came along - but he was super bored.  He dragged behind us all day long.

 always love to see the corners at Daytona Speedway!  The banking is amazing!
We did rest here and there, but there was so much to see!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

We headed south to FL for warmer weather again this year!
 Chris' mom and her husband are building a new home, so we couldn't wait to see the progress!
 It's really coming along!

Liz made some really good meals, and we also went out one evening to a favorite on the water.

 Nice sunset from our table!
 Bolts was super happy because he got a lot of loving!
 And he got some good exercise at a local dog park

 He wasn't interested in going swimming though - even though his ball did!
 More good food by Liz & Tony
 Good friends and good food!
 We stopped by their new home again on our last day, and the roof was going up!
 We came across this abandoned pup a couple times.  I told Chris that I was picking it up for his mom if we saw it 3 times.  But no such luck.  I hope he found a good home!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Trip with my Mom!

I met my mom in sunny Florida for a week.  Weather was perfect - sunshine, blue skies, warm temps... loved it!
We took some nice walks on the beach
 and relaxed by the pool.
 my mom did some painting projects
 we had a LOT of good food
 which we offset with some nice walks.
 we saw some alligators enjoying the sunshine too.  I'm glad they were on the other side of the lake!
 We had some good conversations with friends.
 and did a few more projects.
 But also took some more time to enjoy the beach - and the birds

 We met some friends for a lovely lunch

 and saw some beautiful sunsets
 and flowers.  Funny how most of the country is getting ready for winter, and here it looks just like summer!