Monday, December 28, 2015

Merry Christmas!

It was a warmer than usual Christmas this year - for the eastern part of the country.
We headed to our regular haunt  - Illinois!  Some great pics of Chicago as we were flying in for the landing!

 And a beautiful sunset as we drove to Central IL
 We did some shopping while we were there - the most interesting thing we saw - was this pickup truck.  It's actually an ice chest!
 Sarah did a lot of baking with Uncle Chris' help

 Chris did some of his own baking for his $2 gift....

 peppermint candy dishes!

 It was nice & warm on Christmas morning - we go to my sisters for breakfast; coffee; and gifts

 Then we head back to my Mom's for appetizers; lunch; dessert and more gifts!!

 Picture time!
 Then Chris helped Sarah for more Christmas fun!  A gingerbread tree!
Happy Holidays!!

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