Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

We headed south to FL for warmer weather again this year!
 Chris' mom and her husband are building a new home, so we couldn't wait to see the progress!
 It's really coming along!

Liz made some really good meals, and we also went out one evening to a favorite on the water.

 Nice sunset from our table!
 Bolts was super happy because he got a lot of loving!
 And he got some good exercise at a local dog park

 He wasn't interested in going swimming though - even though his ball did!
 More good food by Liz & Tony
 Good friends and good food!
 We stopped by their new home again on our last day, and the roof was going up!
 We came across this abandoned pup a couple times.  I told Chris that I was picking it up for his mom if we saw it 3 times.  But no such luck.  I hope he found a good home!

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