Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Back to the grind...

No, we never really stop training.  Because it's way to hard to start again!  Last fall, we actually took 23 days off after Ironman Maryland.  Our longest stretch - there was zero exercise.  Maybe a few easy walks - but that was it.  Then we started doing some easy bikes, and easy runs (or hikes).  And slowly, very slowly, eased back into a routine.  December - we started a training program - which gives us a long build up to our next Ironman.  It's been a struggle - staying focused - and getting up each morning to swim, bike, or run.  So, this year, while we have some races planned, we are going to plan on taking them easy - and just finish them, without trying to go fast or beat previous times. All that can go out the window, when we actually race of course - but mentally, this plan is helping us to get to the start line...

We are planning on doing a couple half marathons; a couple short triathlons (sprints or internationals); 3 half ironman distances; and 2 full ironman distances.  We were hoping to finish a 50 mile trail run - so maybe this fall or next year.

Happy Training!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Blizzard #2 2015 - Wowzer!

Getting ready the day before - clearing the roof!!
 Bolts doing his Zoomies - before he can't see the ground again!
 Not too deep yet...
 What's another 20 inches??!! - on top of 35....
 Our back deck - we might see it next summer
 We usually grill all 4 seasons  - but not this one!
 Trying to clear our walkway - no where to put it!

 Next to clear off - our vehicles...
 if we can find them - ha!
 Some serious drifts!
 Oh, then we had to clear a path for the dog - so he could go to the bathroom - might be easier to make a spot on our bathroom floor for him!
 Our main road - still early.  This is usually cleared to the pavement quite quickly.
 can't even make a snow angel - since it's so deep!
 Next up - clearing off the trailers.  Not sure how we are going to get to them...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Garage Night - 4 days long!

Since we were in the area early, we met our friends for dinner on Thursday night.  It was a great meal - and right across the street from the hotel, :)  It was cold in upstate NY!

 Friday night was the get together at the hotel .  Great band, and it was fun to see some more friends arrive for the event!

 Saturday morning - we did the local garage tour.  We only went to a couple of the garages.

 Then we met some friends, and headed to the local car museum.

 And then we headed to the RB garage for an early tour (although we had already been there earlier in the week)

 Good stuff!

 We met some non car friends for an early dinner, then it was back to the garage for the Official Garage Night!
 Lots more people!
And on Sunday, we met the gang for breakfast.  What a great 4 days with the Rolling Bones!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Saratoga Springs!

Chris had business in upstate New York, so I came along for a nice week in Saratoga Springs, NY!
Of course, they just had to have a snow storm while we were there - 16 inches on day 1

 Thinking Bolts has had enough of the snow!
 So pretty though!
 Coffee time!
 It snowed 16 inches on day 1, and about 2-3 inches every day the rest of the week - sheesh!

 I love this town though - fun downtown with lots of restaurants & shops
 Bolts had to do some fancy footwork to go to the bathroom - hahaha

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Cheer Competition

My niece's team got 3rd in State!  Woohoo!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Let it snow! and snow and snow and snow

Its been a snowy year

 Storm #1 - over 20 inches!

 Bolts enjoying the 1st one

Storm #2 - another 8-10 inches.  We are starting to feel buried!

 Fortunately it is New England, so the roads are cleared fairly quickly.  No sign of warmer weather (and by that I mean above 32!!)