Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Visit from family!!

My brother's kids visited from Chicago!
We took them to Sakonnet winery for live music one night
 sailing the next

 we cruised the sailboat around Newport harbor - shopping for our next boat (ha ha)

 It was a beautiful day
 Then this happened...

 hahaha - not really.  He wanted to jump in and hang on :)  His sister didn't really knock him off - looks good though!
Then dinner in Bristol - on the water of course
 And the day after that - we headed to Boston!
 we walked around Harvard

 Then we headed north to New Hampshire to a drag racing event!

 It was a pretty cool night - not something you see every day!
 These jet cars were the coolest!
 Then we went sailing again! This time we took the sailboat to a nice cove where we could swim

 Good times!
 And then it was off to a Cape Cod baseball game!

 The weather was perfect!
Their final day, we went to Newport & walked around Thames Street.  Lunch on a pier - nice view!

We had so much fun!  We love visitors - wish we had more!!!

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