Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Ironman Texas!

A couple weeks ago I did Ironman #10!  I signed up a year ago, as these races sell out so quickly.  And then I had decided I wasn't interested in competing and wanted some time off.  Chris didn't sign up, and wasn't planning on racing an IM this year.  So, we were just muddling through some workouts at the beginning of this year and enjoying the easy.  Then I started to feel guilty about throwing a race away.  So I looked into a flight, hotel, rental car and found the cheapest of the cheap.  Chris said he would go as support.  I didn't tell anyone that I was planning on racing, since it was sort of last minute, and my training was minimal - only 60 days of regular workouts before this big day.

But I did complete it!  And although it was my worst performance in my age group, I am actually very happy with my results!
Here I am after - always happy to be done!!

 The day before - dropping off bikes, and bags, and hopefully nerves!
 The expo!  It was a hot day, which I loved, since it had been cold in New England.

 So this would be my 3rd time racing Texas.  Chris & I both really like the course, and really like that it's early in the season.  It's the only one!  This year the race had a ton of controversy.  First, one of the county's on the bike course decided to pull the plug (only 4 weeks before the race) and not let the IM race use their roads.  Of course, it was the northern county that had the beautiful country roads.  So IM had to find a new 112 mile course - all within one busy county.  They did that.  Then, one week before the race, they had massive storms which wiped out some of the roads.  So, instead of cancelling the race, they decided to shorten the bike course to 95 miles.  (I was extremely happy about this, since my training was so light).  Of course, since it was all within one county, there were over 90 turns on this 95 mile course, yikes!!  Since I had done all my training on a bike trainer, my bike handling skills were almost non existent, but oh well, I'll just go even slower than expected :)  I have 17 hours to complete it, right??  Well, actually since they shortened the bike course, they only gave us 16 hours this time.  Sheesh, not that I usually need it, but it would be nice to give people the full 17 hours, since it wasn't their fault the course changed, but whatever.  Next, 2 days before the race, they found out the water quality in the canal that we swim in during part of the race was poor, so they had to change the swim course, and consequently, the transition area. Crazy stuff!!  I have never received so many emails from Ironman before!
 Race morning!  Non wet suit swim, so I was putting on my swimskin.  This doesn't provide any buoyancy, but it does keep everything tight, so you have less resistance in the water.
 And I'm off!
 The swim!  It was a nice 75 degree morning.  Supposed to reach the high 80's low 90's, so warm, but not horrible.
 Off onto the bike!!
 And I finished!!  More changes occurred throughout the day.  A massive thunder and lightening storm came through around 4:00 pm.  They actually closed the course for 90 minutes!  I missed that window, didn't know that they closed the course (there were still volunteers, and other runners around me, but I guess the medical personnel left, nice, huh??)  A lot of runners were pulled from the course, and had to sit around for 90 minutes.  I'm so glad I was missed - I would have hated that!  Of course, the hail, the 40 mile an hour wind gusts, and the lightening striking directly overhead wasn't a picnic.  And the rain - wow!  I was running through puddles that were 6 inches deep - gushers.  It was crazy, but I just kept going.  I actually enjoyed the last part, since it had cooled off, and my legs started to recover.  Chris stayed out in the rain too, and he said he was freezing.   I would have went to the car and waited it out ;)  I finished strong, so felt good about my day.  Another T storm was coming through when I finished, so we just headed out and didn't watch the finish.  Chris had gotten my bike and gear earlier in the day, which was Awesome!  Oh, and the last change for the race - they re-extended the time to 17 hours, since they had closed the course.  What a crazy race!!

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