Friday, September 9, 2016

Lime Rock - Nostalgic Racing

We headed to CT over Labor Day weekend to meet some friends from CA who were in town, racing their nostalgic race cars.
It was a pretty drive on Saturday morning - my favorite time of day - heading to an event in the early morning in a hot rod!
 Our friend came with 30 other cars - these cars were mainly Camaro's & Trans ams, and they raced in the Trans am series in the late 60's and early 70's.  It's hard to find a car that you can race in this class.  The cheapest car racing was over $500,000.  No joke!

 Our friend, Tom's Camaro - 1968 the winningest car in the series that year.  It's the most expensive Camaro in the world.  Yowzer!  Our friend Tom is like a Bill Gates - but he made his $$ engineering car stuff for Ford and other manufacturers.  He wrote a paper in college; his professor sent him to Detroit; and the rest is history.  Neat story!!

 The Edelbrock's were also here racing.  We had just seen them in Victoria, BC.  Vic was pretty impressed that we had been there, and were now in CT.  Yep, we get around!!  By the way, he and his daughter both raced!
 Time to see some racing!  There were 9 classes, and they raced two times each day.
 Our friend, Tom's class.  These were LOUD!  Wish I had brought ear plugs.

 Stopped by after the race to see Tom.  Lots of celebrity's like this Nascar announcer race in this group.  Again, it goes back to the ole mighty $$, and who can afford one of these cars.
 Chris, Ken, Tom, Patty
 There was plenty of cool cars to look at.

 Our other friends, were also at the race track, so we had an early dinner with them in their fancy motor home and then headed to our motel.
 Pretty area
 Covered bridge area - so I made Chris drive over one on our way back to the track on Sunday morning

 Loved it!
 Sunday, there was no racing.  Instead, they had a Concourse de Elegance.  There were a ton of cool cars.  Mostly muscle cars and fancy Rolls Royces, Ferrari's, and Porches.  But we thought our roadster looked pretty good there.  We won best Ford too - so I guess others liked it too!!
 So many fun cars (we love the bathtub Porche's).  I took a ton of photos - but my download to my computer fizzled out.  And I deleted the photos before I realized it.  Duh.  Oh well, lesson hopefully learned!

Beautiful day before the tropical storm came to town.  We left after lunch, and had a nice drive home :)

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