Thursday, October 13, 2016

A car show and a wedding reception!!

Headed to CT for a good fall car show.
 Lots of pumpkin patches along the way
 And the trees are starting to turn.  It's so pretty - until the leaves fall off
 We drove our pickup, since we were going to have a late night.  Our friends got married in LA during the LA roadster show - but were having their reception today, so more friends and family could attend.    Chris' brother drove our orange coupe.  He enjoys driving it - especially now that Chris has fixed a few of the suspension problems
 Almost all of our favorite car peeps were in attendance.
 Great turnout! 

 The guys always find some reason to lay on the ground...  Here Chris is looking at another guy's suspension - and giving him tips on how to improve it
 Rain was expected - and we drove to a wedding reception
 Our friends live in a beautiful 1700's farmhouse.
 It's just amazing - and exactly what you would expect in the CT countryside!  The interior has beautiful wide pine boards for their floors - just gorgeous!  They also have an amazing barn, where he does his car stuff (of course!) 
 They have a lot of property, so a huge tent fit in well.

 Food trucks!!
 It was a drizzly evening, but fortunately no big downpours.
 Our friends looked wonderful!!  And it was so fun to go after one of their  (and our) favorite car shows.  What a day!

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