Sunday, October 30, 2016

Final Car show of the season

Our friends came from CT for a visit before the show.  Bolts loves visitors!
 It was a beautiful morning - albeit quite chilly!!  Brrr! 
 Breakfast first - yum!  But then it takes the guys a while to get moving...
 A pretty drive to the show

 Chris added some wheel covers to the roadster for a different look.  He's not too fond of the color - it looks good in some lights, but not in others.  He doesn't think he'll keep them on long.  Just nice to change things up here and there, without making it permanent.

 A nice turnout - even with the cold windy weather

 Our friend Ritchie brought his new Model A - very nice!
 Once again - one of the last to leave :)
 But another beautiful drive home!  Great way to end the season!

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