Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Snow has arrived!

We woke up to a few inches of snow on Friday morning
 Just enough to be a bother - but Bolts was happy
 Then we got a lot more on Saturday
 It just kept snowing!  all day long!  We ended up with 8 to 10 inches.
 During the storm (it snowed from 10 am to 2 am), we took a drive since we were bored and wanted to get out of the house

 We took Bolts for a little walk.  But it was pretty cold - in the 20's
 He still had fun

 I'm not enjoying the snow as much anymore.  I could definitely live without winter.  But since we have it - we might as well get out in it.
 Sunday morning, we decided to skip our long run at the gym (on a treadmill, yuk)
 We headed to our lake (and beaches), and went snowshoeing!

 The snow was deep, and it was slow going.  What a workout!  I was huffing and puffing the entire 1 1/2 hours!  The temp was only 10 - BRRRRR!  But fortunately, there wasn't any wind until the last 5 minutes.
 Snow can be pretty

 Our tracks

I'll be happy if this is our only winter storm of the year.  We had our winter adventure - spring can come now :-)

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