Monday, January 16, 2017

Weekend Fun!

We bought some new bicycles!  Fatboys!  Nice name, but they are named for their big ol tires!
We took them to a nearby forest - one we haven't visited in a while
 The trails are nice and wide - but still plenty of roots and rocks to climb over.  These bikes will go over anything - the tires just roll right over.  So fun!

 The tire is almost as big as the truck tire! These bikes are supposed to be really good in sand and snow too.  Our snow is all melted (except in the big piles from the snowplows), so can't test them on that just yet.
 We bought them on Friday - and used them on Friday!  Got a little dirt on them - not too much yet.

 And then on Saturday - our good friends visited us from Connecticut!  We haven't seen these guys in ages - so we were so happy when they decided to visit!  Bolts, of course, loves to be front and center!
 We enjoyed a good meal at a local Portuguese restaurant.
 And took a nice walk along the water on Sunday - the ocean was so pretty!
 Then while they headed home, we took Bolts for another walk along the water - but a lake this time.

 Winter is so much more bearable when the sun is out! (and the white stuff has melted :))

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