Thursday, January 18, 2018


It's dirt bike season! Supercross & ArenaCross time.  We made it to a Supercross event a couple years ago, but haven't been back to ArenaCross since our Reno, NV days.  It was fun to get back to an event
Pit Passes
We were able to walk the track and meet the riders before the event

 And soon it was time for the main event!

 They make it look so easy.  This track is much smaller than Supercross, but it's just as fun to watch!

 And we love watching the little kids ride.  They are amazing too - and have so much fun!

Fun night - glad we were inside though - it was only in the teens outside (and we felt it as we had to wait in line for 15 minutes in that freezing cold!  Brrrr!)

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