Friday, January 26, 2018

More house stuff

Cutting holes in our roof for the skylight!

 We are adding a fireplace, so we had to pick one out (gas; not wood burning)

 The skylights in our garage - we'll have 4 in the front and 2 in the back
 View of skylight from the 'attic'

 They will be redoing our roof as well.  We knew that we would need one - so it will be done once the skylights are in
 Our garage full of wood and stuff.  Not more parking in the garage for a while!
 These boards on the top of the picture will eventually be our living room ceiling.  The floor where Chris is standing will be gone.  It's going to be quite different!

 They will be tearing our ceiling down in a week or two.  So we have to prepare.  One way it to build a 'door' in our hallway, so the kitties will stay in the back of the house.  I have no worries that the fat white kitty (Bean) will hide.  But the antique Siamese will be right in the thick of things - as they tear down the ceiling - or she will be scampering out the door.  She's a wily one and is going to be upset at being confined to 3 bedrooms and 2 baths....
 We also had to 'move' again!  Emptied out most of the kitchen cabinets (some will be torn down); and we had to move the furniture.  The kids weren't happy - all hung together.
 Our empty living room - which will soon be cathedral!  (and have a fireplace).  This built in will be moved to our 'library'
 Our sunroom is packed with our extra furniture.
 More of the sunroom.  The rest of our stuff is in the guest bedroom :)  Sorry, can't have any overnight guests for a while.
 I moved a lot of our kitchen to the guest bath closet.  Good thing it's big!
It will be nice when we can really get settled!  But it's still going to be a while.  It will be worth the wait though :)

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