Tuesday, February 6, 2018

House update - moving right along (but never quick enough...)

We've been out of town & since we've been back, we haven't had internet.  It's finally working again, so time for an update!
We've had some snow - fortunately not too much - just enough to slow work down on the roof.
 But they've been busy inside!  This is what we came home to - covered floors & plastic wrapped rooms & no ceiling in the kitchen.  So we've been living in the back of the house  - 3 bedrooms & 2 baths.  Finding stuff is very challenging since we packed in kind of a rush.

 Then they started working on the roof & added the 4 skylights
 They are redoing the chimney - since it was rotted
 Then another day - they took down the living room ceiling & added the beams!  And took down the wood from the former ceiling.  Our new ceiling is Way.  Up.  There!

 Another day (see they have been busy!)  They framed in the fireplace :)  Bolts is a fan
 Snow is gone - so they can start 'roofing' again.  (these guys are the messiest of all!)  I thought the roofers would only be here 1 or 2 days.  These guys have been here 4 and will still be coming back.

 Another day inside - The wall between the living room & kitchen was taken down (we are only taking it partially down so we don't have to move appliances & redo the kitchen).   The back 2 skylights were added; and the fireplace was framed to the ceiling.
Every day is a new adventure.  The noise only bothers the white kitty - probably bc it disrupts her eating :).  I don't mind it.  My only complaints are not having a parking spot in my driveway & the roofers leaving the back gates open.

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