Thursday, February 8, 2018

LA continued

Our Saturday in LA was 'private collection' day.  We saw 4! private car collections.  $$ is no option in these either.  2 of them own cars that are worth more than $50M.  That's real $$!  We started the day with breakfast :)  and then headed to the Peterson Museum on Wilshire Blvd, LA. 
Oh, and it was a private tour - given by one of the board members.  So Cool!

View from the top floor of the museum - Beverly Hills & Hollywood.  This is the board room; private function room spot

 The museum is set up very nicely - not too crowded

 Chris and Tom
 Our friends Bill & Jackie from England.  He flies all over the world doing Rally races.  Jackie goes on most of them too.  A favorite of theirs is one that involves vintage Bentley's and Mongolia...  So many amazing people to meet in this world!
 Some cars used in Hollywood films - like Back to the Future; Magnum PI; Herbie!

 $$$$  car
 We were also taken to the other board rooms; and to the vault where they store many many more cars (switch them around for different events).  Everyone can pay for the vault tour.  But we were taken even further into the vault....  No pictures were allowed.  We saw some extremely rare cars and many owned by important dignitaries and stars.  It was an amazing start to the day and it just kept getting better...
Next stop - private collection in Beverly Hills.  Holy Moly!  Sorry, no pictures taken out of respect for the collector. 
Later in the day...
The Rolling Bones have a garage night in Saratoga Springs, NY every year.  This year, since most of the cars were in LA, they chose to have the event in LA.  So much warmer than NY!!!  Nice!  We met outside the GNRS and took 2 buses to the 'garage'.  Our host for the evening - Tom McIntyre.  He owns a RB car and we met up with him a couple years ago at Lime Rock, CT - where he races vintage cars.
 The bus ride :)
 Out of respect for the collectors I didn't take many photos. Tom did allow us to take photos of his shop.  But we ventured down the road to a couple others who did not want photos taken.  So I just kept my phone in my pocket most of the evening.
My friend Magnus, took this photo for me of the 'garage night' at Tom's.  Magnus is very tall & very helpful :)  Lots of people - over 200 attended.
 Here's Tom talking about one of his cars in the collection.  He went around the whole room and shared stories of them all.  He is the nicest man and has the most wonderful stories.  He still has his 1st car he ever bought.  It's a Model A coupe and he bought it for $300 at the ripe old age of 14.  What a guy!  We hopefully will hook up with him again in July at the Mont Tremblant Canada historics & again in August - at the Monterey, CA  Historics
Such a fun evening to see all these loved cars.  What a day!

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