Friday, February 23, 2018

Sheetrock - our house is actually starting to come together!

Big load of sheetrock & mudd being delivered
 They hoofed it to the basement & living room

 The guys work fast - at the end of the day - the basement was 90% finished (just sheetrocked)
 Same with the upstairs

 So nice that the house is coming together & actually looks like something!  And even better that the temperature is finally stable - no freezing or boiling hot nights -yay!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Life & Times under construction

 The pictures in this post are a little disjointed - kind of like our lives right now :)  I tried to rearrange them - but they wouldn't cooperate, so I'll do my best at explaining them.

We needed a new chimney  - since our original one rotted

The Siamese cat, Twix, Loves the chaos in our lives right now.  She enjoys sneaking over to the other side of the house and exploring.   And Bolts - in desperate need of a trim.  His eyebrows are covering his eyes.
 Said roofers (I am SO glad they are gone!)  

Finished chimney.  Doesn't exactly match the side siding, but it looks fine.

Discussing lighting one fine day
 Our to be library - chock full of couch; loveseat; end tables; refrigerator; stove.   It's a little challenging getting to the refrigerator these days, which isn't such a bag thing :)

 Another fine day - picking out a fireplace mantle from our friend Joe

 Bolts liked the machines :)
 Getting our pieces home :)
 Picking out stain - we've narrowed it down to 2...

Picking out fireplace stone.  None of these decisions have been very easy this time.  When we built our home in Reno/Sparks, it seemed to be much easier
 We have decided on this stone - but we may have to change our mind - once we find out how much it will cost to install...
 The Siamese resting before her nightly strolls

Some canned lights added

 Insulation!  Yay - hoping it helps keep our house more regulated.  We're either cold or Hot!

We decided to replace the ugly kitchen tile with the hardwood that is throughout the rest of the house.  We had to go to a few stores to find the matching one - but we think we did it.  Close as we can anyway!  Bolts approved!
 Chimney guy - to install the fireplace

Chris built a piece for the top of the chimney & he installed it too.  He wasn't impressed with the chimney guys work, so was happy to do this himself.

The Siamese is loving the construction.  The white Bean - not so much...  In a heightened state - she bit Chris - right in the worse spot possible.
 The bacteria on her teeth caused an infection that traveled up his arm.  In 20 hours, the red line of infection was all the way up to the middle of his bicep.
 Our Saturday night at the emergency room (thankfully it was quiet, as there was a snowstorm brewing)  And thankfully the IV and subsequent pills have helped reduce the infection.  So glad he didn't have to have surgery like so many others.  Cat bites are the worst!
 We did get to spend some quality time with Bolts (and he got a haircut!)  He loves the snow.
 The snow is already gone - here one day and gone the next.  The kind we like! 
 And Twix - enjoying her nightly escapades.  Glad someone is enjoying our chaos!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Getting the orange coupe home!

The weekend after LA, we headed to the Rolling Bones garage to pick up our orange coupe.
It was brought back from LA via Reliable Trucking

 We arrived just as they were unloading the 7 cars that came back to the shop
 We borrowed a friend's trailer to bring our car back to RI.  Our trailer is still full of garage stuff, since we haven't fully moved into our house/garage yet.

 We had a nice clear sunny day, so the open trailer worked well.  Hardly any road dust on it when we got it home.
 In the basement garage for now even though it is still under construction. At least work in the basement is at a standstill for awhile.  Our house garage is full of construction materials.  Making life interesting!