Friday, May 24, 2019

Sailboat Race!

 What a difference a day makes!!  Our first sailboat race of the season - and it was chilly!  We had a brief shower before the race started - but that was all the fresh water we had - the rest of the day we were soaked from the salt water spray!  We raced on our friend Bob's boat.  Since it was a pretty windy, choppy day, I didn't take many photos.  Just these few at the start.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Our boat in in the water!

 They launched out sailboat! 

 All ready for the season! This may be one of our last seasons having a sailboat, so if you want to sail with us, you probably want to visit this summer or fall!
 We winter our boat in Portsmouth, RI, but we keep it on a mooring in Bristol, RI during the summer.  So glad we had a nice day to sail our boat to our summer mooring.
 There was enough wind that we only had to have the jib out and did not have to hoist the main sail.

 Back in Bristol!

 We saw some friends at the yacht club, so had a cocktail at the beach bar and then went to dinner.  Busy day!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Cars & Coffee!

 It was a beautiful Saturday morning, so we took our '41 Pickup to Cars & Coffee in Newport.  Our first hot rod outing of the season!  The venue at 'The Elm's mansion was packed.  Everyone was out and about on this beautiful day
 Bolts was happy to be out. I tried to get a good photo of him in the hubcap.

 It's hard to go to regular car shows when you can come to one of these!  These are short and sweet too - only from 8 am to 10 am.
 We saw a few friends -and then ran into our niece, her husband, and their handsome son.  Bolts still has a crush on Levi and just won't leave him alone.  We were hoping he would get over it as Levi gets older, but it hasn't happened yet

 We stopped at a little cafe in Newport for breakfast.
 Then stopped by the local car museum that were showcasing Ferrari's.  It was getting later in the morning, so most of them had already left.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Takkng a neighbor to dinner

 We have a great neighbor who makes sure our house is looked after while we are away.  We took him out to dinner to thank him.  It had been a rainy day, but the sun did show up eventually!  We drove Dallas' Pontiac, to make it more of an adventure.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Hot Rod season - It's time to get busy

Chris is getting the roadster ready for hot rod season!  We are planning on taking it west this summer, so it needs a good look!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Swap meet time!

Weather hasn't been very pleasant - a lot of rain & cloudy cool days.  But last Saturday, it was beautiful! Sun and nice temps.  I'm glad we were outside for most of the day.
The swap meet was packed - not surprising since it was the first nice day in weeks!

There was a lot of cool things to look at.  We aren't in need of anything, so we didn't make any purchases. But we saw some old friends, and had a nice walk.

 Our last stop was at Chris' brother's spot.  I think he sold more than he usually does!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

A trip down memory lane

My mom is selling her home and moving south!  My sister & I went home to help her pack ;)
 I ran into a lot of things I loved to play with as a kid - like Inchy - the inch worm!
 I didn't play with these of course - my grandmas good china :)
 This little step stool was very helpful when I was short.  I could probably still use it since I'm still short!
 Loved my doll house and it's furniture.  My doll house didn't make it, but the furniture did!  The little furniture resembled antiques.
 I also loved to play with the plastic horses!  These would be set up on our dining room table for days :)
 Some old puzzles!  I think these must have been my sisters - they are still in good condition!
These fun things went to an auction - no need for them anymore, but it was fun to go down memory lane for a bit :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Trying to enjoy spring!

 We haven't seen a lot of sun lately, but we are still trying to enjoy our days.  Bolts loves all weather, so it doesn't matter to him

Sunday, May 12, 2019

BYC Commissioning!

Even though the club house is under construction - it didn't delay the start of our yacht club season!  We will be able to enjoy this fabulous bar and beautiful tent all summer.
The weather was pretty nice for a spring day (meaning it didn't rain on us!)

 And we had a large turnout for the festivities!  Now we just need to get our sailboat launched and our season will be underway!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Sailboat sanding!

 Finally did something other than train!  The sailboats in our sailing foundation fleet need some TLC, so I helped sand one morning.  Thankfully a dustless sander was available to use!