Thursday, May 16, 2019

A trip down memory lane

My mom is selling her home and moving south!  My sister & I went home to help her pack ;)
 I ran into a lot of things I loved to play with as a kid - like Inchy - the inch worm!
 I didn't play with these of course - my grandmas good china :)
 This little step stool was very helpful when I was short.  I could probably still use it since I'm still short!
 Loved my doll house and it's furniture.  My doll house didn't make it, but the furniture did!  The little furniture resembled antiques.
 I also loved to play with the plastic horses!  These would be set up on our dining room table for days :)
 Some old puzzles!  I think these must have been my sisters - they are still in good condition!
These fun things went to an auction - no need for them anymore, but it was fun to go down memory lane for a bit :)

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