Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Headed back to Texas for Ironman #13!  Warm weather and sunny skies on the days leading up to the race made it nice.

 The voice of Ironman, Mike Reilly, has published a book, so we went to his book signing! 
 The day before the race - dropping off the bags and bike!  We also went to Galveston Island to kill some time.  Ugh, the day before the race is so nerve wracking!

 Almost too soon - it's race time!  Fortunately the water temp was cool enough so we could wear wet suits - yay! 

 And we're off!

 I had a good swim - the best part of my day :)  Too hot & windy for me to have a strong bike finishing time, but it was still good!
 I'm always happy to be on the run, no matter what!  It was still hot, and my heart rate was high so I had to take it easy, very easy.  But it was still good!  All I had to do was to finish to validate my spot for Hawaii Ironman, so I didn't mind so much that I needed to take it slow.

Courtesy of Finisher Pictuers
Courtesy of Finisher Pictures

Courtesy of Finisher Pictures
Courtesy of Finisher Pictures
 Ahh, it felt so good to be done!  I was on the course longer than most of my Ironman races, and I felt it!

 It's nice to get another one of these!  Now my big workouts and race is behind me, so I can enjoy summer!

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