Monday, December 2, 2019

Crane Beach & Ipswich, MA

 This past weekend, we headed north to explore.  We've wanted to see Crane beach, so off we went!  Chris' great grandpa captained a ship called the Illyria, which sailed around the world in the late 1920's.  This ship was owned by Cornelius Crane.  He financed, organized, and led the expedition which was called the Crane Expedition.  They gathered over 18.000 specimens (birds, flowers, etc) for the Field Museum in Chicago, IL!  Chris' grandfather was also on board as your average seaman.

  What an adventure!  (and now we know why Chris is so good at sailing!!)  There is a book about the expedition and we are lucky to have one of the 1st editions.  The Crane family has an estate near Crane Beach (which we will take another day to tour it).  But Crane Beach is land donated by the Crane family.  Not sure why it took us so long to get here, but glad we did!!
 It was a HUGE beach!  Very expansive, and nice sand too.
 Even better, it's part of the Trustees, so they allow a section for dogs to be off leash -yay!
 It was a windy cold day, but we walked the beach for 90 minutes!!.  Below is a picture of the Crane homestead. It's hard to see - but it's pretty spectacular looking.

 Bolts had the most fun, because he likes the cold :)

 Horse riding is also permitted on this beach - pretty cool!  We saw about 6 riders.

 Ipswich, MA is in the far background.  Not a pretty day at all, but at least we didn't get wet!

 We stopped at a farm store after the beach and bought some honey and fruit wines (rhubarb & apple - should be interesting )

 It was a very cool building
 We then drove to Ipswich, and had lunch.  Cute! town with a lot of fun touristy shops

It's a 2 hour drive from our home in RI, so we can't come every weekend.  But we will be back!!

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