Thursday, December 19, 2019

Don't worry - we're still getting our walks & hikes in!

 We are still taking long walks and hikes multiple times a week!  It's our favorite activity with Bolts.  Here we took a drive to Fort Taber - it was blowing and cold!!

 The flags were getting a little roughed up!

 We also took a drive to Fort Phoenix in Fairhaven & Ned's point in Mattapoisett  Our walks were short as it was Cold!!
 We've also been to Colt State park & and forest at least once a week.

 our local beach - once or twice a week.  The tide was very high this day - so there wasn't a lot of beach to walk.

 We've been to Weetamoo woods quite often too.  On snow days too!

 Another local beach walk

 and Mt Hope Farm :)
 We still need to check Bolts for ticks though as the weather is cold then warm.  We need a good long solid freeze to really get rid of those buggies!

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