Thursday, February 6, 2020

Miami track day!

 It was a beautiful day for a track day at Miami!

 The advanced class was able to run the banking for the first couple outings.  It was fun to watch.

 Then it was our time on the track (no banking though)

 The first session (and 2nd) were packed!  Everyone was tip to tail, so there wasn't a lot of 'racing' happening.

 We always walk the pits when we're not racing.  There are some pretty cool cars that race track days.

2nd session
 We had a little space for a while

 I don't ride with Chris every session, so I can take some other photos

 This guy went through the grass and lost his left rear quarter.  He put it right back on.
 This guy in the advanced class didn't fare so well :(.  He was ok, but his car definitely wasn't!

 Chris heading out for his last session of the day (there were six 30 minute sessions)

 I tried to get a good photo of him through the garage - I barely got him!  Chris had a great day - no rain and dry track is the best!

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