Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Hodge Podge

 I just threw a bunch of photos on this post - a little bit of everything :)   Above, was our first night out to dinner in Bristol.  Good food, but eating out has kind of lost its appeal.  At least to us and when it's just us.  It's more fun with others for sure!

This tree is in our neighborhood - and we walk by it every day.  It is now blooming big fuzzy puffs.  It's quite interesting.
 We haven't been back to the YMCA yet.  But we are swimming again - at Potters Cove, at the Town Beach, and in our neighborhood at our beach.  It's good to swim in open water versus a pool, especially for training purposes.  When we swim off our boat, Chris will also double duty and clean the bottom, so we can hopefully sail faster.  It's not as important this year, since we aren't sailboat racing (our crew has kinda moved all over, so we cancelled our racing spot).  Next season, we'll race on someone else's boat :)
 We still get ice cream - but not as frequently, so it tastes even better!
 Our flowers are blooming all around

 I added a few red & blue (fake) flowers to our wreath.  JoAnn fabric was selling them for 90% off!  They aren't the best, but serve their purpose :)
 Bolts  - standing at the treat door.  He's always hungry!   (we tried one of Toules jackets on him - it's a little snug, but might work when he gets nervous)
 We love hanging out on our front porch.  (until those mosquitoes show up, yuk)
 I'm plugging along on my rugs. I love the activity - I just don't always take the time.
 We've had a couple fires.  So relaxing.
 Our neighborhood walks continue - almost 2 every day.  The neighborhood looks nice with the flags.  (one neighbor puts them all up from Flag day to Veteran's Day)
 We hang our flag up for a couple weeks around Independence day
 Our roses are blooming
 Bolts got another hair cut.  A new groomer, cut him short short short!  She said she doesn't want to see him that often so she cut him as short as possible.  Ha ha ha.  He's a real meanie during grooming time.
 Bean rarely cuddles, but when she does, she takes over!

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