Saturday, February 27, 2021

What I see through my window (big blue's): fire ahead!

 On our drive to Miami - looked like a fire - at least a lot of smoke!  We never got close enough to figure out what it was.  It was pretty impressive smoke show though!

Friday, February 26, 2021

FBF - babysitting

 My 16 year old charges - such fun kids!  Many many years ago!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

24 hours of Daytona

Morning drive to Daytona to watch some qualifying and practice for the 24 hours of Daytona
Small turnout of spectators so we didn't have a problem social distancing

Always fun to go to the Fan Zone and check out the garages with the busy workers

The rain did show up at one point - but those cars still went Fast!

Great day!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Cruise night

Local cruise night brought in some pretty 'cool' cars


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Bike riding

Need to do some longer bike rides, so local bike trails have been a nice adventure


Monday, February 22, 2021

Homestead Miami Racing

Off to another Track Day - this time at Homestead Miami

It's nice to take Big Blue!
We arrived Friday night (for Sat & Sun racing).  They had an ultraskate going on - so it was fun to watch

24 hours of skateboarders or roller/inline skating.  Wow!  There were teams or just individuals.

Our garage space - we were early to arrive

Next morning, the skaters were still going strong!  8am Friday morning until 8 am Saturday morning

The kid on the left (below) was just making a world record - almost 314 miles in 24 hours.  Pretty cool!
But then it was time for Chris to have his fun.  Bolts wanted to ride, but he wasn't allowed
He took a nap while Chris got ready

Chris got a lot of track time in the 2 days.  Weather was perfect.

I was able to get some bike training in to - between sessions

There weren't a lot of accidents fortunately.    This car just quit running, so they had to haul it off

Chris changed the tires at one point

 Fun weekend!