Monday, February 22, 2021

Homestead Miami Racing

Off to another Track Day - this time at Homestead Miami

It's nice to take Big Blue!
We arrived Friday night (for Sat & Sun racing).  They had an ultraskate going on - so it was fun to watch

24 hours of skateboarders or roller/inline skating.  Wow!  There were teams or just individuals.

Our garage space - we were early to arrive

Next morning, the skaters were still going strong!  8am Friday morning until 8 am Saturday morning

The kid on the left (below) was just making a world record - almost 314 miles in 24 hours.  Pretty cool!
But then it was time for Chris to have his fun.  Bolts wanted to ride, but he wasn't allowed
He took a nap while Chris got ready

Chris got a lot of track time in the 2 days.  Weather was perfect.

I was able to get some bike training in to - between sessions

There weren't a lot of accidents fortunately.    This car just quit running, so they had to haul it off

Chris changed the tires at one point

 Fun weekend!

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