Monday, February 28, 2022

Mr Bolts

We walk a lot!!  And it's always nice (for him) to find squirrels - like the one above.
Fortunately the views that I prefer are plentiful too

and it's always nice to see this - a tired pup


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Me & Mom day

relaxing by the pool - finally a day mostly warm enough
another farmers market!
and lunch out
my yummy stir fry - enough for 3 meals!


Friday, February 25, 2022


my neighbor Gene invited me to try pickleball.  I'm not very good - but we had fun!  There was a huge group, and the teams were constantly mixing.  Everyone was very kind to me being the newbie.  I'll have to try it again - and get Chris out here


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Bike riding the Meadows

There are quite a few places to ride bikes in the Meadows - they have a nature path, which has nicely solid dirt

there are a few bridges to cross
lots of paved paths too
scenic with lots of lakes (and alligators)
some shell paths
and of course the open road - which is lightly traveled and safer than most roads


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Cul de sac party!

we haven't been getting together as much - it's been chilly (for Florida).  But we did gather together for the superbowl.  Just a little gambling and appetizers.  We all watched the game at our own homes


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Shellabration Show

My mom & I joined the Shell Club - and one of our first events (besides the boat ride) was the Shell Show!    They have judged exhibits, shell art for sale, shell making crafts, simple shells for purchase, and scientific displays.   My mom & I worked the membership table one day and the raffle table the next!  It was a busy 2 days, but fun.
art to buy
some of the judged exhibits

this mermaid was amazing - such detail

I learned how to make shell flowers - lets see if mine turn out half as good, ha ha
some more art that's available to purchase - like Christmas ornaments

raffle table!


Monday, February 21, 2022

Saturday, February 19, 2022

New hedges

The association is replacing the hedges for those villas along the road.  They are trying to freshen up the look - time will tell how it will all look :)


Friday, February 18, 2022

Farmers Market - great finds!

our neighbors set up their little silver shop, and it was a hit!  Beautiful jewelry at good pricese

a little cool, so the crowds were a little light

Bolts really liked the cheese guy :)

 My finds:  Dog treats (banana & honey flavored), cheese, guacomole, veggies, good coffee (cherry mocha flavored), and cute twistlet purse :)