Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Shelling trip

My Mom & I joined our neighbor for a boat ride/shelling trip
It was a beautiful morning - a little chilly, but light wind, so it wasn't too bad

The boat ride took us into Sarasota Bay
We headed to a sand bar, but it was still a little underwater
Sea urchins were everywhere
our boat
all sorts of goodies were in the water - some coral here (we put almost everything back).  You can bring home 2 live critters if you wish. 
Tiny crabs were found
This tulip shell was eating a crab leg - so strange to see shells 'eating'    We normally see them on the beach sans the living part, so we forget that animals do live in them
Here are a couple worms - I can't remember their correct name.   Kinda icky looking

These sea urchins were pretty cool. 
Anyone who brought home a live critter, put them in the aquarium.  Most were going home with the marine biologist that we had with us - for classroom studies
A sponge
The sand bar started to appear - and the birds came
a large pear shell with it's 'critter'
our neighbor Donna has been taking these trips for years, so she is an expert at finding goodies.  She found the pear shell and a couple starfish too
and a crab - he wasn't very happy to see us (she picked him up with an empty shell)
She also found these brittle starfish.  They are so tiny  - but very cool!
the boat aquarium was getting full!

after a couple hours (and some frozen toes), we headed home.  What a fun trip!!


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