Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Disney Springs

last day at the resort & trade show - we went for an early morning swim in the huge pool - so nice!
then breakfast & work for Chris
then later, we went to Disney Springs
it's just an area that is free to get into - and has restaurants and shopping.  It's fun to walk around, since the buildings, etc are so cool to see

this dinosaur restaurant had many dinosaur skeletons and it also had an area where you could (kids anyway) uncover some dinosaur bones
loved the octopus bar
the legoland store was very popular.  The line was too long - but we could see plenty of creations right outside.  I loved this sea dragon
and the Star Wars figures - all made out of legos

We had tinker toys growing up - ;)

the car that also swims!  You could purchase rides, but they were expensive and short

Fun times! 

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